Every day, I wake up, read, pray, write, pour, work, eat, walk, breathe, think, hope, I try to will the life I want into reality.
It is hard to exist on this plain ignorant of what is happening on the adjacent one. I wish I could put my ear to the wall of the opposite realm to listen in on what is happening. Or maybe I can tune into 97.9 as God sings His plans on top of my favorite beat. His directions clear. His plans explicit.
I wish I could access His intentions at the local library, Section titled, Future and all my plans would be laid bare:
Chapter 1 telling me exactly what to do in January to secure the income I desire. Chapter 2 telling me exactly what I need to sell to make that trip to Hudson Valley. Chapter 3 guiding me to the community that will nourish me, my hive, in 2025.
I wish His plans were laid straight like the sidewalk, that this path had guarantees, that there would be no guessing but the spirits remind me that I have the answers and that they are within.
The energy in the air tells me my wisdom will come within the time and space I have to hear my own heart, when my thumb is not busy and my eyes are settled into the real world. When I can notice what I’m noticing, when I can see the wind touch every leaf. The spirits tell me that THAT is when I will get my answers.
That I must feel and be alert to the sensations in my chest and the tugging atop my forehead, the spirits tell me, I must be present.
That the answers are always available but that I must do a thing that I cannot see, that I cannot touch, that I cannot hear, a thing that is not tangible but will require my consistent action and that is to -
Have faith.
Meet Me In The Deep is an invitation into my world through art and words. Deeply Personal: Notes from Facing My Mother Wound is a series of memoiric notes that document one of the most painful, transformational and honest times in my life: the moment I faced my mother wound.
Much of my art and words today deal with healing the inner child I abandoned to protect my mother.