I get scared
To make new friends
It kinda sends
Me in
To a
Mind gets busy
If they will
judge me
If they will
Ghost me
If they will
Trust me
If they will
Call me
Will we be friends
Will it end
Will we be real
Long calls
About how we feel
Long calls
Evening meals
In our heels
Or will you
Go ghost
Will you think
I do the most
Will you
Tell the truth
Will we
Sit in the booth
With our drinks
While we think
While we clink
While we cheers
That is my fear
That you’ll switch gears
That I won’t hear
From you, my dear
I want to
Get excited
I am delighted
I am
A girls girl
Mean the world
But I do
Get worried
You’ll go ghost
That You’ll think
I do the most
When in
I’m just
Being me
Loving me
Being me
In my being
As I’m seeing
And believing
God’s plan
Though I’m grieving.
Meet Me In The Deep is an invitation into my world through art and words. Deeply Personal: Notes from Facing My Mother Wound is a book featuring a series of memoiric notes that document one of the most painful, transformational and honest times in my life: the moment I faced my mother wound.
Much of my art and words today deal with healing the inner child I abandoned to protect my caregivers, one of whom was my mother.
This spoke to me. I’m also a poet and I have a similar writing style. I really enjoyed your poem!